Sunday Services / Events
Sunday Services / Events
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Hanamatsuri Service - This service is to celebrate Shakyamuni Buddha's birthday, the Enlightened one. He was born on April 8, 566 B.C. in Nepal. His parents were King Suddohana and Queen Maya. On that day it is said there were flowers blooming, celestial birds singing and a sweet gentle rain bathing the Baby Buddha. Please come and share the joy of this birth, pour sweet team or amacha tea over the Baby Buddha statue, and there will be games such as jan kan po and a matching memory game as well as prizes and refreshments!
aPRIL 29
8:00 am
aPRIL 30
TO mAY 5
9:00 am
BAZAAR PREPARATION ALL WEEK - Help is needed to sort all the various items that were donated for the Bazaar on May 6. All the items need to be priced also.
BAZAAR PREP DAY- Help is needed to bring out all the stored Bazaar items for the Bazaar on May 6. We have many items stored away waiting for the Bazaar.
Don't miss our coming events:
10:00 am
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Hanamatsuri Service - This service is to celebrate Shakyamuni Buddha's birthday, the Enlightened one. He was born on April 8, 566 B.C. in Nepal. His parents were King Suddohana and Queen Maya. On that day it is said there were flowers blooming, celestial birds singing and a sweet gentle rain bathing the Baby Buddha. Please come and share the joy of this birth, pour sweet team or amacha tea over the Baby Buddha statue, and there will be games such as jan kan po and a matching memory game as well as prizes and refreshments!
aPRIL 29
8:00 am
aPRIL 30
TO mAY 5
9:00 am
BAZAAR PREPARATION ALL WEEK - Help is needed to sort all the various items that were donated for the Bazaar on May 6. All the items need to be priced also.
Sunday HBC Bodhi Day Service
December 1st @ 9:30 am at Nichiren Mission
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REMINDER - Mochi order deadline: 12/2/24
See November Bulletin for form
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No Sunday Service - Dec. 8th - General Cleaning at 9 am
No Sunday Service, Dec. 15th - Mochi Making Day starting at 7am
Come join the fun in making mochi on Dec. 15.
It's a lot of work and also fun and a chance to meet other
people and learn a little about mochi making.
Volunteer form on home page.
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Jodo Mission of Hawaii is accepting donations for Lahaina Jodo Mission. Please send checks payable to Lahaina Jodo Mission and mail your check to Jodo Mission of Hawaii (1429 Makiki St, Hon, HI 96814). Jodo Mission (Betsuin) will serve as a collection of checks and will forward to Maui.
Lahaina Jodo Mission - Please see Bishop Ishikawa's Sympathy Message & Statement on Wildfire on Maui
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